페이지 선택

공원용 잔디 돌 몰드 도로 포장기 몰드

Grass planting bricks, also known as lawn paving, are a modern solution designed to prevent walking or parking on the lawn. These bricks come in various shapes, including tic-tac-toe, vest, single figure-8, double figure-8, and grid designs.

주문(MOQ) : 1 세트
결제 : 선적 전 T/T 100% 결제 또는 확인된 취소 불가 L/C로 100% 결제.
제품 출처 : 취안저우 푸젠
색상 : 수요에 맞게 사용자 지정
배송 포트 : 샤먼
리드 타임 : 20-25일


Grass Stone Mold for Park Pathway Paving

Grass Stone Mold Road Paver Mould For Park Grass Stone Mold Road Paver Mould For Park Grass Stone Mold Road Paver Mould For Park Interlocking Hollow Concrete Block Mold Mould

Mold Technical Data

이름 grass block mold 열처리 Carbonitriding 900-950°C
원재료 특수 내마모성 강철 경도 60-65HRC
블록 유형 중공 블록, 연동 블록, 포장 블록, 커브 스톤 모두 사용자 정의 가능 HS 코드 848060
수명 100000-120000회 포장 나무 + 플라스틱 필름


1. The most advanced assembly process.

A: We use advanced welding technology and de-stress treatment to ensure precision. If stress remains in the mold material, the cavity and core may deform during use, causing errors in dimensions, shape, and tolerances. This can make qualified products exceed error limits, cause well-matched components to jam, or even render the mold unusable. To prevent this, we minimize deformation during heat treatment and perform tempering after quenching to eliminate internal stress from machining and heat treatment, ensuring the mold functions properly.

B: We maintain a press foot clearance of 0.3-0.8mm for compatibility with your machine.

C: We use high-strength connection bolts with standard parts and anti-loosening treatment for durability.

D: Our standardized assembly process ensures easy replacement of parts.

E: We incorporate high-quality wear-resistant steel plates for longevity.

F: Our molds feature a damping function for smoother operation.

G: We offer digital free surface design for customization.

2. To ensure mold durability, we apply carbonitriding heat treatment (60-65HRC).

A: We harden the die frame and press foot to 60-65HRC.

B: We achieve a minimum hardening depth of 1.2mm for enhanced strength.

Some finished blocks for reference:

MASA HESS Hollow Interlocking Concrete Block Molds MASA HESS Hollow Interlocking Concrete Block Molds

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